The Starts and Ends of Creation
As the tide rises, the effectiveness of my ADHD medication descends.
As the tide rises, the effectiveness of my ADHD medication descends.
We sent planes to Afghanistan full of troops, guns and maladapted intention. They always came back hollow. This time send them empty and bring them back full.
Americans are refusing vaccines because they've forgotten that it's natural for children to die of infection disease.
It's a comfort to gain so much control over an outcome. Even when that outcome is one single roasted carrot.
They weren't being paid for care work, they were being paid for their online depiction of care work.
We dance holding hands because we are all on this journey together.
Pregnant during a once in a lifetime heat wave that happens twice every summer.
The state can always find a reason for us to kill each other.
What was the first album by a woman you remember feeling was forbidden?
There is no ladylike way to say, “Sometimes I bleed from my butt.”
The fighter jets that invaded Iraq train over my backyard.
Raised in a culture veined with the fool’s gold of American Exceptionalism, I thought I had to be exceptional.