Pocket Observatory is a not-for-profit project run by one person - me! I devote hundreds of work hours and thousands of dollars to Pocket Observatory every month. My work depends entirely on donations from people like you.
You can help Pocket Observatory survive

Become a Fellow Observer
Give an annual recurring donation and join a community of fellow observers. Benefits include quarterly snail mail from me to you, and monthly virtual meetings. I want to make this option as accessible as possible, so you can choose from five tiers of financial support.

Give a One-Time Gift
One-time gifts are hugely helpful! If every person who engages with my work donates just $20 this calendar year, I'll be able to fund THREE years of Pocket Observatory!

Become a Patron of the Pocket
Secure the long-term survival of Pocket Observatory. Patron benefits are customized. They can include community memberships for your organization, speaking engagements, workshops and individual creative consultation. If you would like to donate $2500 or more, send me a message at pocketobservatory@gmail.com